Interactive Defence and Attack System for Submarines
Interactive Defence and Attack System for Submarines. Image: thyssenkrupp Marine Systems

The German government has approved the development and qualification of an active defense system for submarines.

The Interactive Defence and Attack System for Submarines (IDAS) system is being jointly developed by thyssenkrupp Marine Systems and Diehl Defence.

It is a wire-guided anti-aircraft missile that engages aerial threats from a submerged position.

“We are delighted that this innovation project can now also be launched,” CEO of thyssenkrupp Marine Systems Oliver Burkhard said.

“At thyssenkrupp Marine Systems, we are contributing to a completely new capability in the field of submarine self-defence, while at the same time strengthening the safety of people and materials in challenging future deployment scenarios.”

The customers of both companies will be able to use the system. 

To Engage ASW Helicopters

In development for over a decade, the missile system is designed to engage the threat of anti-submarine-warfare helicopters, particularly in shallow waters and coastal areas.

Anti-submarine-warfare helicopters are equipped with sonar and torpedoes to hunt and kill submarines.

To avoid the hovering threat, submarines dive deep to hide in the ocean, as no active defense system for submarines currently exists.

IDAS System

The Interactive Defence and Attack System for Submarines consists of a missile, a launching container, and combat system integration.

Once a potential threat is identified by the submarine crew, the system is ready for launch.

The submarine’s sensor and sensor data management system determines the target’s range and position and the effector is launched upon the commander’s orders.

For target engagement, the system obviates the need for the submarine to expose its mast-mounted optical electronic warfare sensors or even to surface, which risks detection.

How It Kills 

The missile initially maneuvers toward the target direction underwater, then surfaces, accelerates to cruising speed, and proceeds toward its target.

The missile is always under the operator’s control inside the submarine, which remains submerged.

It allows for changing the target designation or aborting the mission.

In addition, the missile can be deployed to engage surface targets to avoid the use of a heavy torpedo. With the addition of GPS, it can be used to strike land targets as well.

The solid-fuel rocket-propelled missile will be equipped with an Imaging Infra-Red seeker and is expected to have a range of over 15 kilometers (9.32 miles).

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